{512) 345-8961

8001 Mesa Drive

Austin, TX 78731

{512) 345-8961

8001 Mesa Drive

Austin, TX 78731


First Presbyterian Day School is a ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Austin (FPCA). At FPCA, we take the responsibility of caring for children seriously. The Day School has a Day School Ministry Team which helps guide the vision and direction of our school, ensures fiduciary responsibility, guides policies and procedures, and maintains a close relationship between the school and church, and their staff and leadership.


Get involved! We meet monthly to plan organize and host many events that bring parents, teachers and students together as a family. Our activities include the annual Gingerbread House Party, multicultural events like Chinese New Year or Persian New Year, Teacher Appreciation Week, and Classroom Celebration, and Mud and Water Week! So many activities, so much fun. Our children’s play is their work. Help model that by working at your school - we promise it will feel like play.

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